Carrie Underwood Elle Magazine Pictures

Carrie Underwood Elle Magazine Pictures

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood is on the cover and the pages of Elle magazine December issue. Here is the magazine interview highlights:

On the rumor she was dating Olympic Swimmer Michael Phelps: “I swear on everything, on my job, on my house, my dog…That’s how serious I am. It’s all just a lie. Anytime any [media source] ever says ‘a friend said,’ or ‘a close’ whatever – no, they didn’t! It’s just made up. None of my friends would say anything. Ever. About anything!”

On her comment that a taken Tony Romo still calls her: “It was just something that was said in passing, and I would never mean to say anything to hurt anybody or to stir up anything, because I’m just not about drama. At all. I might be mad too if somebody said my boyfriend was calling some other girl. So I can definitely see where she [Jessica Simpson] would be coming from. But I haven’t talked to him since, like, May.”

On whether or not she’s dating someone: “If I say I am or I’m not, as soon as this magazine comes out, it might be the opposite of what I tell you now. In three months, it’ll be ‘Carrie said she’s not dating anybody,’ yet last night, I was out on the town with some guy. He’s going to get mad at me. Everybody’s going to think I’m a liar. It’s just best not to go there.”

On life on the road: “I don’t know how people do it. It’s tiring. It’s hard. Right now I do a lot because I have no reason not to. I don’t have a husband or kids. If I go home, I’m home by myself. I have no reason not to be on the road, no reason not to just get out there and do everything right now, while I’m young enough to, while I can enjoy it. But I think when I get a little older, I definitely want to slow down, just because it’s very stressful. It’s hard on your body, hard on your mind, hard on your emotions.”

On dealing with celebrity: “I knew what I was signing up for, and I’m not complaining at all. I’ve learned how to deal with it, and my life is great, I’m a happy person. What are you going to do? Give it all up? No!”

Carrie Underwood Elle Magazine Pictures


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